A Freelancer’s Guide to Moving

freelancer's guide to moving

It’s a beautiful feeling finally settling into your new home. Yet, all of the work involved with moving almost convinces us to stay where we’re at and make do. Still, millions of people find themselves in a new place every year.

Many of those movers are freelancers. Freelancing offers the opportunity to work from anywhere so long as you have an internet connection and a laptop. Freelancers everywhere take full advantage of this freedom, moving their business and themselves from one place to the next.

It’s important to note, though, that freelancers are up against unique challenges when they decide to move. You’ll need a blueprint. Read on for a freelancer’s guide to moving.

A Freelancer's Guide to Moving

Ready Your Business for the Transition

One of the first things on your mind when you decide to move is your freelance business. Can you maintain it while you move, and can you grow it once you settle in? You’ll have a better chance of doing both if you’re intentional about readying your business for the move.

First, take a close look at your business’s outlook. Answer questions like:

  • Have you lost clients because you’re choosing to move?
  • If so, how many new clients will you need to bring in to replace that income?
  • Can you survive if you don’t bring in a single new client?
  • What taxes and others laws in the state you’re moving to have the potential to affect how you run your business?
  • Are all of your business-related documents available, organized, and stored in a secure place?
  • Are your business finances in a good place?

Then, spend some time thinking about how you’re going to establish yourself in a new market. For example, you could research freelancer support groups in the area beforehand and make plans to attend an upcoming event or gathering. You could also lean into your online network to share you’re recent move and express your desire to find new clients in the area.

Additionally, telling your existing clients about the time you plan to take off for your move is crucial. You’ll be able to determine projects they want to be done before your time off and schedule a time to reconvene with them once you’re settled.

As you ready your business for the move, get familiar with your new neighborhood ahead of time as well.

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Get Familiar With Your New Neighborhood

One of the next things you should do is familiarize yourself with your new neighborhood. Arm yourself with as much information as you can about where you’ll be living. Doing so can ensure that you’re comfortable with your surroundings, familiar with your neighbors, and aware of social and cultural norms. Additionally, you can map out good places to start forming your new professional network.

It’s a good idea to take a few trips up to your new city, state, or country before your move if at all possible. Check out the social scene in your area. Educate yourself on the available business resources. Then, begin outlining a potential day-to-day routine.

After you’ve become a bit more comfortable with where your new home will be, take steps to ensure the moving day is seamless.

Make the Move Itself as Smooth as Possible

Moving day can be incredibly stressful. From ensuring everything makes it to your new place to say your goodbyes, there are plenty of reasons to become overwhelmed. Fortunately, you can make moving day a lot less tiresome.

For example, let’s say you’re moving out of state. Hiring a reliable moving company will ensure your things are handled with care and that they arrive safe and sound at your new home, even if it is across state lines.

Additionally, with an out-of-state move, thinking a few steps ahead is beneficial. Make plans to have the utilities on when you get there, forward your mail weeks in advance, and ensure anyone coming with you is emotionally, mentally, and spiritually ready for the move.

Now, your business is ready. You’re familiar with your new neighborhood. You’ve got a plan for moving day. What’s next?

Take Care of Your Work

Assess your current workload. Even amid a move, you still have work to do. Prepare in advance for the days or weeks you won’t be able to work because you’re moving.

Write as many articles, blog posts, white papers, and so forth as necessary to ensure all of your clients’ needs are met before you take time off to move. Also, have a clear list of priorities once you return to work to ensure you’re organized and efficient when it’s time to dive back into business.

In addition to managing your workload, ensure you take care of yourself.

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

Take Care of Yourself

Moving can be physically, mentally, and emotionally taxing. If you allow yourself to get burnt out, it’ll be that much harder to complete the move. Prioritizing the care of your entire well-being will ensure you’re equipped to essentially survive the havoc moving wreaks on your being.

Say you’re moving across the country from Seattle to New York City, a big move like that not only affects your business but your personal well-being. It can be hard to hold yourself together if your pets are freaking out the entire drive or you can’t afford to get your things to your destination. Setting a budget for the move and thorough preparation can help mitigate the harmful effects a big move can have on your wellbeing.


Wherever you’re headed, maintain your momentum. Use the above tips as a guide to moving to ensure your freelance business remains profitable and that you remain stable throughout the process.






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