What Have You Done Lately?

If your goal is to stand out from other freelance writers who are applying for the same gig, you need to spend some time thinking about yourself and the skills and abilities that you bring to the table. You will have included this information on your resume, so that a prospective client can find out something about you and the kind of work you have done in the past.

To provide the reader with more information about you, include achievements in your resume. What achievements, you may be asking yourself. Think back through the jobs you have had and try to find some way that your employer’s business was better off for having hired you.

When it comes to your freelance writing career, the information is a bit different. If your content has helped a client get a Top 10 ranking on Google, this is something you should be sharing. The fact that your copy has helped a client increase sales by X percent is also worth listing on your resume.

If you have ever won, been selected as a finalist for or judged a writing contest, include this fact in your resume. Any writing, spelling or grammar-related awards can also be listed.

It’s one thing to tell a prospective client that you’re good at what you do. Listing your achievements will show him or her and make you stand out from the pack when you are applying for freelance writing jobs.

Do you list your achievements on your freelance writing resume? Do you feel that this is an effective strategy for making a prospective client want to contact you?


One response
  1. John Soares Avatar

    Jodee, this is a very important point, especially for freelance writers with websites. I’m one of those, and I have to remind myself to add my latest projects to my c.v./resume page.

    I’ve gotten several clients who found me through Google searches. I’m not sure if it was something on my resume that showed up in the search results and got them to click, but it could have been.

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