It’s Not Too Late to Publish Your Bestseller!

Correct me if I’m wrong, but we all aspire to write a bestselling novel. Whether you’ve been writing for online or print, there is just something about seeing your name on a book – even better if that book makes it to the top of the charts!

publish your bestseller

The sad truth is that many of us just can’t seem to get a novel done. There’s freelance work necessary to make a living. There are so many other things that keep getting in the way.

You may be at a point where you think of your novel as “could have been”, but guess what? It is not too late to publish your bestseller.

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Sure, you have to find the time to write, but take heart. Some of the most renowned authors were late bloomers. Some of them toiled for decades before achieving success.

If they can do it, so can you!

Here is an encouraging infographic that will show you examples of authors who struggled before reaching that status they have now.

publish your bestseller

The next time you feel down and think you’ll never become the author you always wanted to be, take a look at this graphic. Tell yourself that you can still publish your novel. It’s never too late!





One response
  1. Mike Phelps Avatar
    Mike Phelps

    I got a late start with writing and considered giving it up a few times. You’ve inspired me to keep going. Thanks.

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